Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Humphrey - we love you!

My boys like rodents. We have 2 guinea pigs and they are our only pets. My youngest son has several rodent stuffed animals. His favourites are Hammy (a hamster puppet) and Squeaky (a mouse puppet).

When I discovered the Humphrey books by Betty G. Birney, it was love at first squeak. :)

Here is a list - note: you don't need to read them in order.
1. The World According to Humphrey
2. Friendship According to Humphrey
3. Trouble According to Humphrey
4. Surprises According to Humphrey

5. Adventures According to Humphrey = my personal favourite. The audio version has excerpts from Treasure Island included.
6. Summer According to Humphrey

Why do I (and my boys) love the Humphrey books?
- they are funny
- they have positive messages
- the situations in the books are ones that my boys can relate to. Humphrey is the classroom pet in maybe a grade 2 or grade 3 classroom.
- they also come in audio versions
- they contain lots of vocabulary words

I've even started talking like Humphrey - these books are good good good!

Reading level: 4

1 comment:

Susan Kaye Quinn said...

Hello, kindred spirit! We have similar blogs - both aimed at advanced readers who need suitable content! Only my boys are now 7,9,12 - wow, it happens fast! Best of luck, and I'll be checking back. The hamsters look perfect for my 7yo! :)